At VOVF, our expertise in languages applies to various speciality fields or specialisations.
Each specialisation corresponds to specific translators and interpreters, who are experienced and excel in their field.
Beauty translation
Since it was created, VOVF has been helping big and small companies alike in the beauty and cosmetics fields to meet their language needs. VOVF translators are skilled in both the language pairs and the speciality fields they work in, which brings significant added value to the final translations. VOVF beauty translation showcases your beauty products and services.
Subtitling - Audiovisual translation
At VOVF, we are convinced that subtitles are a powerful way to communicate. Our teams are highly skilled in subtitling techniques and are ready to propose the best possible solution for you, irrespective of video format, and in 50 languages. Entrust your video subtitling - audiovisual translation needs to professionals.
Marketing translation
VOVF has the know-how to best feature your POS, merchandising and marketing materials in other languages. In order to preserve the integrity of the original message, we translate meaning and avoid word-for-word translations. VOVF is highly skilled in marketing translation: place your marketing translation needs in VOVF's capable hands.
Website translation

Your website is your window display for the rest of the world. In the digital world, there is no platform more important. Highly experienced and skilled in website translation, VOVF translates websites in European and Asian languages on a daily basis. There is no interface too technical, no message too complex, for VOVF.
Technical translation
Technical translation requires in-depth knowledge and a scientific approach. Precision and accuracy are sought after in technical translation, whereby VOVF effectively communicates and conveys your brand DNA and product specificity in 50 languages.
Environmental translation
It is no longer possible for a company or organisation to not take into account its impact on the environment. Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are on everyone's lips. VOVF has been working in environmental translation since its creation and is an expert in the field.
Do you need interpreters for a specific assignment? VOVF can help you organise your project, and provide the interpreting service (simultaneous interpretation, conference interpretation, etc.) that you need. For your interpreting needs, it is important to turn to professionals: VOVF is ready to help.